Axiom’s own Andy Zelt, CEO, and Mark Bradley, COO, shared their perspectives on Professional Employer Organizations (or PEOs) recently for a new episode of The Point—a podcast produced by Apex Benefits and dedicated to employee benefits thought leadership.
As Mark and Andy point out, a PEO may be a good fit for a small but growing company, or an established one with between 5 and 25 employees. Any larger company should be sure it can take advantage of every service its PEO has to offer—from risk management and benefits administration to HR consulting services and training.
And they agree that any company should approach the decision to use a PEO with some caution. Employers should be mindful of the rates—and rate changes—they may be subject to on entering the PEO’s employer pool. They should also take the time to meet and evaluate the teams that will be handling their business—and not simply rely on the assurances of a salesperson.
You can hear the full conversation, in two parts, below: