If you’re an HR professional, you’re probably no stranger to the tedious, manual tasks that can eat up your day. From sorting through piles of resumes and scheduling interviews, to tracking employee time-off and managing benefits, there’s no shortage of repetitive, time-consuming tasks that need to be completed.

While these tasks are necessary for the smooth functioning of your HR department and the overall success of your business, they can also be a major drag on your productivity and overall job satisfaction. In fact, many HR professionals find themselves feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and frustrated by the sheer amount of manual work they have to do.

But why exactly are manual HR tasks such a burden, and what can you do to alleviate the pressure? Here are a few reasons why your manual HR tasks are dragging you down, and some suggestions for how to tackle them more efficiently.

One of the biggest problems with manual HR tasks is that they’re often repetitive and time-consuming. For example, if you’re sifting through a pile of resumes looking for the perfect candidate, you’re likely going through the same process over and over again for each resume: skimming the document for relevant experience and skills, making notes about the candidate’s qualifications, and then moving on to the next one.

This repetitive process can be incredibly tedious, and it’s easy to lose focus and make mistakes. Plus, it takes up a lot of time that could be better spent on more important tasks, such as strategizing for your company’s future or developing relationships with employees.

Overwhelming Details
Another issue with manual HR tasks is that they often require a lot of attention to detail. For instance, if you’re responsible for tracking employee time-off and vacation days, you need to be extremely organized and accurate in order to ensure that everyone gets the time they’re entitled to. This can be challenging, especially when you’re dealing with a large team and multiple requests at once.

Error Prone
Furthermore, manual HR tasks can be prone to errors and oversights. For example, if you’re manually entering employee information into a spreadsheet or database, it’s easy to miss a key piece of data or make a mistake in the entry. This can lead to incorrect records, which can cause problems down the line, such as when you’re trying to reconcile employee benefits or payroll.

Technology Saves the Day
So, what can you do to alleviate the burden of manual HR tasks? One solution is to invest in HR technology and automation. By using Human Capital Management software and other tools to automate routine tasks, you can save time and reduce the risk of errors.

For example, you can use applicant tracking systems to streamline the resume review process, or use time and attendance tracking software to automate the tracking of employee time-off. These tools can help you work more efficiently and accurately, freeing up more of your time for more important tasks.

Finally, you can also try to streamline your manual HR tasks by simplifying your processes and procedures. If you’re still using paper forms and documents for HR tasks, consider switching to digital formats, which can be easier to organize and manage. You can also review your current processes and see if there are any areas where you can streamline or consolidate tasks to make them more efficient.

In conclusion, manual HR tasks can be a major drag on your productivity and job satisfaction. By investing in Human Capital Management solutions such as the ones offered by UKG Ready, you’ll save time, money and headaches. Ready to learn more? Contact us at info@axiomhrs.com for a free demo.