Jul 6, 2022 | Human Resources, Workforce Management
In a survey by McKinsey & Company, 75 percent of employers acknowledged that there’s a stigma around mental health in the workplace. People in the workplace, leaders included, are afraid to speak up about their mental health needs or ask for help. As the McKinsey...
May 25, 2022 | Blog/News, Workforce Management
Millions of people gather around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway year after year to watch as drivers race for the title. The driver’s journey to the finish line is not made alone. As the saying goes, it takes a village. Drivers surround themselves with dozens of...
Apr 27, 2022 | Blog/News, Human Resources, Timkeeping, Workforce Management
Real-Time HR is a series of posts containing real HR questions that are answered by qualified experts in the field. We publish them here for our readers to gain valuable insights into trending HR topics. Question: Can we require employees to do extra work outside...
Apr 20, 2022 | Blog/News, Human Resources, Workforce Management
Navigating a new office or even a new career can be stressful. Many businesses have begun implementing mentoring programs to help employees feel more connected with their coworkers and improve their expertise. Such programs are valuable for mentors, mentees and the...
Mar 21, 2022 | Human Resources, Workforce Management
Although there’s no law that an employee handbook be used, it’s definitely a best practice. We love the guide that our partner, Mineral, created outlining the top benefits of using a handbook: It allows employees and managers to reference important...
Mar 16, 2022 | Blog/News, Human Resources, Workforce Management
Real-Time HR is a series consisting of real questions that we’ve been asked and expert answers provided by skilled HR professionals. We share them here, to give our readers insight into trending HR topics. Question: What is job abandonment and how do I know when it’s...